THE BOARD OF DEACONS: serves the church and the surrounding community. Deacons are elected by the congregation and they serve a three-year term. The Board of Deacons will assist the Session in fulfilling its ministries of compassion and service. The Moderator of the Board of Deacons will moderate meetings, held the fourth Monday of each month, and the pastor will attend Deacon meetings. The Board of Deacons will send a representative to Session meetings to facilitate communication between the boards on the third Tuesday of the month.
Our Deacons deliver gift certificates every Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter to a number of families throughout the Hamilton area. They visit the shut-ins of the church on a regular basis. They support a number of community organizations in the Hamilton area such as TASK, Interfaith Caregivers/Trenton, Habitat for Humanity, Anchor House, Contact of Mercer County, Angel Wings, etc. Our Deacons also serve on various Ministry Teams of the Session, helping to shape the program and mission of the congregation.