The UPC Choir prepares weekly anthems as well as a Christmas cantata and Easter cantata for the traditional 11 a.m. worship service. Additionally the choir provides music for the Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday services. The music represents a variety of styles, typically sung in 4-part harmony. We try to have a few laughs along the way, and this is a great opportunity for fellowship.
Rehearsals are held from September through May on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary and are one hour in length. The choir has a brief warm-up on Sunday morning in advance of the 11 a.m. worship service.
Participation in the Choir
Anyone is welcome to join the choir, we do not hold auditions and it is not necessary to know how to read music.
The most important requirement for singing in the choir is to be able to attend the weekly rehearsals on a somewhat regular basis and be available most Sundays for the 11 a.m. worship service.
For those who want to sing but prefer not to sing every Sunday, we welcome singers to join us for our seasonal cantatas. Listening CDs are available which allow singing along with the cantata outside of the weekly choir rehearsal.
There is one Saturday morning dress rehearsal one week in advance of the cantata presentations.
The Christmas cantata is presented on the Third Sunday in Advent; the Easter cantata is presented on Palm Sunday.