Ministry of Stewardship
- Encourage the whole congregation to give generously of their time, energy, money and talents to fulfill God's plan for the church. Manage the church's Memorial and Endowment Funds
- Maintain a safe, clean, and attractive facility that reflects our new church family while exploring opportunities to accommodate growth and to make it more accessible to the community.
- The Finance Group has the general oversight of the stewardship and mission program of the congregation. This commission develops our mission budget adn interprets what those missions are doing for the congregation. This commission interprets the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to the congregation. This commission lifts up the special offerings of the Presbyterian Church for the congregation. This commission develops the annual commitment program, and the leadership for Consecration Sunday. It is this commission's responsibility to challenge the congregation and encourages the congregation to move toward tithing.
- The Wills and Memorials Group is responsible for managing monetary gifts that are dedicated to the Church. An endowment fund policy has been established to expand and enrich the mission of the United Presbyterian Church through prudent management of gifts, such as: Special Gifts, Deferred Gifts, Memorials and Bequests. These gifts are distributed as specified by the donor.